Well hello everyone, my friend has made this awesome website!
Hey CC And 1 peeps so I have lately gotten into comic making... and its also because I'm also awesome at making them *proud face*.
~currency_man- You're comics are pretty good.
Check out my comics in the CRAZY PHOTOS tab!


Hey guys so I am making a lot of progress with my Youtube channel  (q1129noxx) and I just want to say if ANY of you have a cracked minecraft account join this awesome server: moobcraft.servegame.com and I will (or minght not) be there. I'm Kitty btw ^-^ My status updates are pretty frequent so you don't have to worry.

~Kit (Qistina)

Hey ! Check out the new photos in the 'Crazy Photos' tab! Comment if you <3 adventure time!
   Hey, this is just basically an update. This will be really cool as it has lots of things in it. You can sign up right HERE or you can ask me whether you can join the school club. ( I am not telling my school cuz that will be dangerous!)  Online, the members are limitless but at school there can only be upto 13 members. But I doubt I will get that many.
                                                Anyways, thanks for reading and sign up!
HI Qistina here. I am an emo girl, who just has a tad bit of niceness.
I dig doom and darkness and one day, i wanna beome full blown emo.
I would like you to know some of my bestfriends. Elyne,is emo like me,
Santiago is a tech freak and awesome soldier(pretend)
and we have Rishi,sorry to say this but its the truth, he loves fairies, loves nature books and imagines himself as a fairy.He has a high pitched voice
and he is plump he is kinda stubborn but I don't care. He is one of my besties.